Only a whole-system solution can transform the whole-system problem
common to black communities everywhere.
1. WEALTH. Micro-Saving/Lending, Local Currency, Wealth. Each village has its own measures, exchanges, and repositories of wealth.
2. ENERGY. Local Energy Production & Transportation. Each village produces its own energy for heat, light, and transportation.
3. PRODUCTS. Shopping & Waste. Each village supplies basic goods and services to neighbors, converting waste to wealth in the process.
4. HOMESTEAD. Affordable Green Homes & Gardens. Each village is sustained through jobs-driven development without displacement, providing low-income housing and roucing high-quality food through land trust CDC’s.
5. CULTURE. News & Networks, Stories & Structures. Each village celebrates its past, present, an future culture through stories in print, digital, and theatrical forms.
6. ORGANIZATION. Village Centers & Borders. Each village is a walkable, self-sustaining whole with perceptible borders, inter-dependent local ties, global context, organized for elf-interest.
7. EDUCATION. Health, Education & Welfare. Each village fosters life-long learning through hubs, which are epicenters for green training, development, and lifestyle transformation.
8. ECONOMY. Green Jobs & Enterprise. Each village circulates its wealth through neighbor-owned businesses which invent, invest, manufacture, and merchandise locally.